Projector Control Tab

If you have connected a Serial control lead from your Projector to your PC, AdVis can send commands to the projector to switch it on and off.
You will need to look up the correct serial commands and settings for your Projector Make and Model.
Projector Control Tab

Com Port

1. Com Port
This box lists all Com Ports that are installed on your PC. If the box is blank, please make sure you have installed the Com Port and drivers.

Baud Rate

2. Baud Rate
You need to check your projector manual for the Baud Rate Setting.

Data Bits

3. Data Bits
You need to check your projector manual for the Data Bits setting.


4. Parity
You need to check your projector manual for the Parity setting.

Stop Bits

5. Stop Bits
You need to check your projector manual for the Stop Bits setting.

Flow Control

6. Flow Control
You need to check your projector manual for the Flow Control Setting

Power On Command

7. Power On Command
This is serial command your projector needs to switch on. You need to check your projector manual for the correct serial command.

Power Off Command

8. Power Off Command
This is serial command your projector needs to switch off. You need to check your projector manual for the correct serial command.

Lamp Life Command

9. Lamp Life Command
This is serial command your projector needs to return the Lamp Life. You need to check your projector manual for the correct serial command.

Power On Time

10. Power On Time
Set's what time the Power On command is sent to the projector each day.

Power Off Time

11. Power Off Time
Sets what time the Power Off Command is sent to the projector each day.

Enable Daily Projector Control

12. Enable Daily Projector Control
Enable or Disable automatic daily control of the projector. If enabled, the serial commands you have selected will be passed to the projector at the set times.

Get Lamp Life

13. Get Lamp Life
Sends the 'Get Lamp Life' command over the serial connection to your projector. Results should be displayed in the text box.

Switch On

14. Switch On
Tests the Power On command by sending the command over the serial connection to your projector. Projector has to be in standby mode.

Switch Off

15. Switch Off
Tests the Power Off command by sending the command over the serial connection to your projector. Projector has to be running.

Projector Status

16. Projector Status
Data commands sent from the projector such as Lamp Life will be displayed here.

Save settings and close

17. Save settings and close
If you are happy with all the settings, click here to save them and close the Configuration Dialog.


18. Cancel
Closes the configuration dialog and discards changes.
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