Sequencer Tab

Here you can customise settings for how your Sequence will run. You can setup master image/video files and sounds to override settings you may have in individual effects. For example, you may want to have a logo displayed on top of every effect in your sequence. By setting this logo here, it saves you having to edit each effect to put the logo in and having to edit it again to take the logo out.
You can also set the Sequence to automatically launch when windows starts.
If you enable statistics, AdVis will log statistical information to a database when the sequence is running including number of hits, duration of hits and duration of effect for each effect. You can click on Statistics Viewer to view back this information on graphs.
Sequencer Tab

Override Background

1. Override Background
Enables a Master background image. All the effects will show the selected image or video if this is selected.

Show Camera Feed

2. Show Camera Feed
All the effects will show the tracking kits camera feed as their background if this is enabled.

Clear Background

3. Clear Background
Remove the Master Background

Background Browse

4. Background Browse
Browse for a Master background image or video.

Override Logo

5. Override Logo
Enables a Master logo image. All the effects will show the selected logo if this is selected.

Image Preview

6. Image Preview
Preview of your selected images or videos.

Clear Logo

7. Clear Logo
Remove the Master Logo

Logo Browse

8. Logo Browse
Browse for a Master Logo.

Override Mask check

9. Override Mask check
Enables a Master Mask image. All the effects will show the selected image mask if this is selected.

Clear Mask

10. Clear Mask
Removes the Master Mask image

Mask Browse

11. Mask Browse
Browse for the Master Mask image

Sound Browse

12. Sound Browse
Browse for a Master Background sound file

Test Sound

13. Test Sound
Test your selected Master Background sound

Override Sound

14. Override Sound
Enables a Master Background Sound. All the effects will play the selected sound if this is selected.

Clear Sound

15. Clear Sound
Clear the Master Background Sound

Logo Fade

16. Logo Fade
If the Master Logo is selected, enable this option for the logo to fade in and out on top of the effects.

Logo On Time

17. Logo On Time
Set how long the Master Logo is displayed for in milliseconds

Save settings

18. Save settings
If you are happy with all the settings, click here to save them and close the Configuration Dialog.


19. Cancel
Closes the configuration dialog and discards changes.

Logo Fade In Time

20. Logo Fade In Time
Set how long the Master Logo takes to fade in (milliseconds)

Logo Scale

21. Logo Scale
Set the scale factor of the Master Logo e.g. 0.5 will be half the original image size.

Logo Fade Out Time

22. Logo Fade Out Time
Sets how long the Master Logo takes to Fade Out in milliseconds

Logo Off Time

23. Logo Off Time
Set how long the Master Logo is hidden for in milliseconds

Enable Daily Restart

24. Enable Daily Restart
If enabled, the PC will automatically restart at a certain time each day while the Sequence is running. Although not required by AdVis, other applications on your PC may be leaking memory and eventually cause the PC to crash over a long period of time.

Daily Restart Time

25. Daily Restart Time
Set the time the PC will restart automatically.

Automatic Start

26. Automatic Start
If enabled, AdVis will run on windows startup and automatically start the currently set Sequence.

Automatic Login

27. Automatic Login
If you plan to have AdVis launch automatically on startup, but you also have a logon screen, you need to enable this for Windows to automatically log in.


28. Username
Set the Windows Username (Required for Automatic Login)


29. Password
Set the Windows Pasword (Required for Automatic Login)

Enable Statistics

30. Enable Statistics
Click here to enable Statistics. AdVis will log statistical information while the sequence is running.

Statistics Viewer

31. Statistics Viewer
Click here to view back gathered statistics information on graphs.

Enable Monitor Control

32. Enable Monitor Control
This will enable/disable the graphics card output at certain times of the day. Most projectors should go into 'Power Saving Mode' if they can't detect an input signal.

Power Off Time

33. Power Off Time
Set the time the Graphics card output will be disabled.

Power On Time

34. Power On Time
Set the time the graphics card output will be enabled.
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