Motion Detection Tab

For most installations, you will be using this page to configure the AdVis tracking kit and calibrate your interactive projection system.
First you need to make sure you can see your tracking kits camera feed in the camera window. The drop down list on the left should show the name of your tracking kit (Usually 'Hi-Speed DVD Creator or 'USB 2820 Device'. If not, then you need to select it from the list. If it's not listed, make sure the tracking kit is plugged in and click 'Refresh'. When it's selected, you will be able to see the camera feed in real-time in the camera window to the right. If the tracking kit is plugged in, but not listed, or you cannot see the camera feed, see Troubleshooting.
Next, you need to make sure the camera is correctly orientated. Movement in the camera window should correspond correctly with movement in your tracking area (Where you are projecting the image). If someone walks to the left, but on the camera feed it shows them walking to the right, you need to click the Mirror box. If somebody moves to the top of the screen but the camera feed shows them moving down, you need to tick the Flip box.
Because the camera is based on infrared technology, you won't be able to view the projected image in the camera feed. You need to make sure that the camera is positioned to cover the entire projection area. You also need to position the infrared emitter so that it's beam is covering the projection area (You will be able to see the infrared beam in the camera feed, but not on the actual projection area). Normally your projection area is marked out, but if it isn't, you will need to either have somebody stand or place objects in each corner. You want to drag the corners of the Crop Grid so that the grid roughly matches the projection area. It doesn't have to be perfect.
If the tracking kit isn't straight, you can tick the 'Rotate Camera' box and drag the bar across to rotate the camera feed up to a full 360 degrees. It's recommended however to get the tracking kit straight as rotating the camera in software takes up extra CPU resources.
The 'Skew Camera' option can be left disabled for most setups and the resolution can be left on medium, unless you are tracking from a long distance.
Make sure there is no movement in the camera feed, then click 'Auto-Configure' to automatically detect the best sensitivity settings for your installation environment.
There are advanced settings which are detailed below, but for the majority of installations that should be all you need to configure. You can click 'Save and Close' and then start using effects with the tracking kit.
Motion Detection Tab


1. Flip
Flips the tracking kits camera feed vertically


2. Mirror
Flips the tracking kits camera feed horizontally.

Advanced button

3. Advanced button

Tracking Kit Selection

4. Tracking Kit Selection
This drop down has a list of all connected tracking cameras. Select the tracking kit used for your main display. The camera feed on the right should change when you change cameras. If there is nothing in the drop-down menu, make sure your tracking kit is connected. See 'Troubleshooting' for details.


5. Refresh
Refreshes the list of tracking kits currently connected. If you plugged in the tracking kit after launching Configure AdVis, you will need to refresh the list.

Skew Camera

6. Skew Camera
If the tracking kit is installed at an angle to the projection area, you will notice the projection area will have one edge longer than the other. With this setting, you can adjust the skew bars located around the camera feed to compensate for the viewing angle of the tracking kit. This uses extra CPU so latency might be apparent in older machines.

Rotate Camera

7. Rotate Camera
If you haven't installed the tracking kit to match the edges of the projection area, it's possible to rotate the camera feed until the projection area is straight. This uses extra CPU so latency might be apparent in older machines.


8. Resolution
By default, the tracking kit is set to a medium resolution which is very fast and accurate for most installations. However, a higher resolution may be required if tracking a very large area. This uses extra CPU so latency might be apparent in older machines.

Reset active region

9. Reset active region
Resets the Active Region to default settings which is the entire area of the camera feed.

Sensitivity Setting

10. Sensitivity Setting
Adjusts how sensitive the motion detection engine is at detecting pixel changes. For most installations you can just choose 'Auto-Configure' to automatically set this, however, if you notice effects reacting on their own, or effects are to hard to make react, you can tweak this setting. The lower the setting, the more sensitive the tracking is. You can see when motion is detected on the camera feed because the grid boxes will flash white. Interference from electrical appliances can cause noise, increase this setting if the camera feed shows motion when nothing is moving in the projection area.

Auto configure

11. Auto configure
Detects the best sensitivity settings for your current setup. Make sure there is no motion on the camera feed and nobody walks across the camera feed when the auto-configuration is in progress.

Enable Debug Image

12. Enable Debug Image
When in Debug mode and using the mouse to interact with the effects, the mouse cursors appears as a small foot icon. You can disable this icon but you won't be able to see where the mouse is. You can use AdVis with a touch screen when in Debug mode and you may want to disable this icon.

Threshold Setting

13. Threshold Setting
For most installations, you can leave this on it's default setting of 5. Threshold is the percentage of motion that needs to be detected to set off an interactive zone. If you notice that some effects seem to be hard to get to react, try decreasing this settings. If you find effects interacting on their own then you can increase this settings. Always adjust the Sensitivity setting first to fix the problem before trying to adjust the Threshold.

Disable Auto Scaling

14. Disable Auto Scaling
By Default, AdVis will run effects at whatever resolution your PC is set to. For certain installations such as using multiple projectors, you may want to force the effects to run at a standard resolution of 1024 x 768 per display.

Save settings and close

15. Save settings and close
If you are happy with all the settings, click here to save them and close the Configuration Dialog.


16. Cancel
Click the cancel button to close the Configuration dialog and discard settings.

Camera Feed

17. Camera Feed
This is a preview of the real-time camera feed from the tracking kit. You should aim the tracking kit so that the whole projection area is within this camera feed. It's also advisable to make sure the edges of the projection area are straight to the edges of the camera feed, however you can rotate the camera feed if they aren't

Skew bars

18. Skew bars
You can use these bars in 'Skew Mode' to distort the image. Useful for getting the projection area square to the camera feed if the tracking kit is at an angle.

Crop Grid

19. Crop Grid
You can drag the corners of this yellow grid to match the projection area. This will ensure movement in the projection area is perfectly calibrated to the on screen effect.
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