Create New Effect

To build a new effect, you can either start from scratch using an base effect template, or edit an existing effect in your effect library.
To start from scratch, choose an Effect Type from the Effect List on the left hand side of AdVis Launcher and double-click it. To edit an existing effect, choose an effect from your effect library and click the 'Edit this effect' button.
Step 1: Double Click an effect from the Effect List.
You will be shown the 'Effect Configuration' dialog. Here you will see different tabs where you can set different settings and change images, sounds and videos.
Step 2: Click Change to change the background Image.
Step 3: Browse for the file you want to set as the background. It can be an image or a video. Then click Open. AdVis will automatically scale the image or video to fit the whole screen in your effect.
Step 4: Every effect is completely customisable. You can change all it's settings and add masks, sounds, logos, etc. Check the 'Effect Configuration' help topics for detailed information. When you are happy with your effect, choose the 'Naming and Saving' tab.
Step 5: From here, you can choose a unique name to identify your custom made effect later on. If you enter a name that already exists, it will ask you if you want to update the existing effect. If you confirm, the old effect will be overwrote. You can also enter a description and browse for a thumbnail image that will help you easily identify the effect later. Click 'Save Effect'.
Step 6: You will now see your newly created effect in the Effect Library. To test the effect using your mouse, select it then select 'Debug this effect'. If the tracking kit is plugged in, you can also launch the effect in normal motion tracking mode by double-clicking it or clicking on the 'Launch this Effect' button.
Step 7: Test the effect using either the mouse if you chose 'Debug Mode' or using your body on the interactive projection surface if you launched the effect normally. To close the effect, press the Escape Key. If you want to change anything, choose 'Edit this effect' and make your changes.
You've now successfully create a brand new effect. To add this effect to a customised playlist, see 'Create Sequence'.
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