
AdVis is the core component to an interactive projection system. Whether it's floors, walls, windows, tables, or any projection surface, you can use AdVis to create stunning interactive displays that will have the audience caught up in excitement as their every movement is relayed in real-time to a visually stunning interactive effect.
AdVis 2.1 Main Features
We have rebuilt our motion detection engine from scratch to increase performance, accuracy and stability. We were one of the first on the market with interactive projection and AdVis 1.0, with the experience we have gained, and building on from our previous software versions, we have now developed a flawless motion detection engine suitable for all environments. Response time is improved with very little latency, an advanced configuration program means most of the setup is performed from the PC rather than having to focus lenses and adjust the tracking camera to match the projection area, you can crop the camera feed within AdVis creating perfect calibration between the camera and the projection every time. Lastly, and most importantly, AdVis 2.1 is a completely stable platform which can run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and work perfectly for the entire duration.
The AdVis 2.1 Effect launcher has been completely redesigned with an easy-to-use interface that even users with the most basic computer skills can work with. From here, you can access the AdVis configuration, launch effects straight away or test the effects using your mouse. You can build new effects with your own content, or edit existing effects. You can also build sequences for different effects to run seamlessly together for different durations.
We have a large variety of different effects with many different interactions and themes. With over 100 effects, there is something to suit all occasions, and if you still can't find something, then each effect can be completely customised with your own content. You can replace background images and videos, logos and sounds as well as configure the effect to react how you want. Every part of the effects are configurable.
Advanced Features
In AdVis 2.1, it is possible to use multiple projectors and tracking kits to create much large displays. You can use up to four tracking cameras and four projectors from one PC to create extra long or larger interactive setups. The display can be horizontally or vertically spanned, or setup 2x2 for huge displays.
A new feature in AdVis 2.1 is edge blending and edge overlap. There are many solutions out there to create seamless displays by overlapping projector images and blending the edges, however, these features only appear on the most expensive projectors or can be created using very expensive hardware solutions. There are also software solutions out there, but again, they are expensive and they also cause a delay which is no good for interactive projection. We have now incorporated Edge Blending as standard for all of our effects, you can edge blend up to four projectors to create seamless displays, and what's more, there is no processing overhead in doing so, so the displays still runs in real-time. For custom installations, we can edge blend an unlimited amount of projectors.
AdVis 2.1 has a built in networking function. Systems can be controlled by the master server, so when you have a large network of AdVis systems, you can set up the AdVis systems will periodically log in and check for any updates, download any new content and start playing the new sequence. This is done in the background, so the systems still function as normal, and the audience won't see this happening, but be able to play with the new content as soon as it arrives. You can use a demo version of AdVis as the master so you can create new effects, change content and sequences, etc. from anywhere in the world. This version is free of charge to users of AdVis, so even with just 1 system, you can use this version to remotely update a live system.
AdVis 2.1 has a sophisticated statistics engine built in. This engine can be set to run in the background of a sequence and record vital marking information such as 'Amount of Hits', 'Interaction Duration' and 'Total Duration' for each effect. The information can be viewed back over certain time-frames on to colourful graphs so you can easily see which effects are more popular. You can even compare two different time-frames together.
Built into the AdVis 2.1 Full Pack Launcher is an SDK Player. With our SDK, you can create your own effect in whichever programming language you desire. Having the SDK player built into the Launcher, means you can run custom effects you have made with our SDK on any machine with the AdVis 2.1 Full Pack without having to purchase another SDK.
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